
Internal Conflicts In The Bluest Eye

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Elmhurst College Houses Ryan Sykora English 336 Dr. Chambers 04/13/2016 The Bluest Eye, written by Toni Morrison, demonstrates the internal struggles that plagued the African American working class due to the socioeconomic conditions during the early 1940s. These external pressures shaped the lifestyles of the characters both in their internal struggles and their physical surroundings. Pauline Breedlove unknowingly displays her own internal conflicts through the way in which she keeps her own home. Additionally, she further demonstrates her battle with acceptance and her obsession with beauty in the way she cares for the home of the Fishers. Another character, Geraldine, keeps her home clean with an obsessive determination. However, …show more content…

Much like her own persona, Pauline lives in storefront apartment that is physically unattractive and relatively dull on the inside. It is the lowest of the lows, which is similar to how Pauline views herself. Taking care of the Fishers home gave Pauline the opportunity to live out fantasies about beauty. Dreaming of Jean Harlow allowed her a false reality in which she could pretend she was an icon for beauty. In the same sense, she could live out this dream by tending to the needs of the Fishers and pretending that their home was her own. The cleanliness, respect, and grandeur that accompanied the home allowed Pauline to fantasize and live out an identity she had long dreamed of becoming. Geraldine’s obsession with cleanliness and presentation controlled all aspects of her life. These values condemned her to a life of emotionless racial self-denial and were on constant display through her house. Pauline and Geraldine were both victims of the social pressures of that time, each of them constantly struggling in their own way to become something they couldn’t. Whether they knew it or not, their surroundings visually represented the conflicts they were dealing with and demonstrated their internal battle with the standard of

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