
The Bluest Eye Research Paper

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Racial supremacy has been an issue through the world. It has been demonstrated by slavery in America and the genocide by Hitler in World War 2. Racial supremacy was a big thing in America where white people were seen as the right people and the only people and the other people were just minorities. In the novel The Bluest Eye, by Toni Morrison racial supremacy is shown by a young girl named Pecola who wants blue eyes so she could have better life. White culture has been the dominant culture for many people who are brought up thinking that it is the perfect lifestyle. White dominance was a lifestyle for the white people in America. It was a lifestyle that every race wanted a tried to get but were never allowed to have. Whites are the …show more content…

In the book A Class Divide by William Peters, he wrote about a teacher whose name was Jane Elliot where she conducted an experiment based on blue eye dominance. She conducted the experiment by dividing the class into two sections, the blue eyed children and the brown eyes children. She started this experiment by saying, “What I mean is that brown-eyed people are better than blue-eyed people. They are cleaner than blue-eyed people. They are more civilized than blue-eyed people. And they are smarter than blue-eyed people.” The blue-eyed people were in control at one point and now they are not. The brown eyed people are now in control so they now get the advantages. So all that was happening in the past has reversed and the minority is now the superiority. Instead of using skin color and race she used eye color because her class was mostly white American. The brown eyed people were in control they had extra privileges at the class. “The brown-eyed children would have five extra minutes of recess. They would go first to lunch, could choose their lunch-line partners, and could go back for seconds. The blue-eyed children could do none of these things.” This statement explains how the brown-eyed people were getting advantages that the blue-eyed people do not have those advantages. It shows the different ranking of the

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