
Racism Is No Less Prevalent Here

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It is the nineteen forties in Lorain, Ohio and though it may not be the deep south, the presence of racism is no less prevalent here. In this day and age, little black girls dance through life thinking they are lesser than their white counterparts. This is something fed to them in all aspects of their lives. They see white people on the big screen, in their beverages, and even on their candies. This lack of representation, coupled with the fact that they are constantly taught that white is right and black is wrong, continues to build up until the only logical outcome is to hate themselves. They hate themselves because the world has given them no other option. This is known as internalized racism, and can be just a damaging as racism from white people because this is a self-hatred. Self-hatred cannot be escaped, nor can it be ignored. This topic is a highly uncommon one to come across in books, and when it is found it is often incidental. Toni Morrison has never shied away from the unknown, though. The Bluest Eye tackles issues such as white beauty standards, child rape, and the devastating consequences of internalized racism. Internalized racism is present in every aspect of our society, regardless of whether or not we’re aware of it. It destroys each and every person of color, and does not discriminate between the light or dark skinned. The only ones who benefit are white people. Each and every white person benefits in some way from this form of racism both in The Bluest

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