
Ralph Lord Of The Flies Character Analysis

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In Lord of the Flies, Ralph demonstrated traits of a successful survivor from the moment the children were stranded on the island, to when he was being attacked and forced to survive independently. Once the children realized that they were stranded with no adults and no rules, Ralph immediately stepped up to the plate as a leader. “A few people quickly comprehend the reality of the new situation, accept that they could die but don’t panic, and take action to increase their chances of surviving”, (Siebert, The Survivor Personality). Ralph is one of the few people that has the capacity to understand and handle the severity of the situation, “We’re on an island. We’ve been on the mountaintop and seen water all round. We saw no houses, no smoke, no footprints, no boats, no people. We’re on an uninhabited island with no other people on it” (Golding 32). …show more content…

“Gonzales outlined key survival traits, such as having ‘a natural tendency of taking responsibility’ for oneself, and the ability to break down large tasks ‘into smaller goals’” (Amandolare, “What makes someone a survivor?). Ralph, as the elected chief worked to keep the whole group working together, “We have lots of assemblies. Everybody enjoys speaking and being together. We decide things. But they don’t get done...We were going to have water brought from the stream and left in those coconut shells under fresh leaves...Then there’s huts. Shelters...The fire is the most important thing on the island. How can we ever be rescued except by luck, if we don’t keep a fire going?” (Golding 79, 80). Ralph has to struggle to get everyone to cooperate, but as the chief he works to keep himself and the rest of the children alive and

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