
Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Not Be President

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The Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Not Be President.
There are many reasons why Hillary Clinton should not President of the United States. Here are some of the reasons why she should not be president: she believes in abortion, she wants to take away gun rights from the people, she wants open borders, her poor health, and her family’s scandals, Many people say that she is not fit to be president because she cannot even walk to the van without falling like at the 9/11 Memorial in New York City. Some people think she is fit even through her and her husband’s scandals. Hillary Clinton should not be president of the United States of America. She has committed numerous crimes including treason and murder.
Hillary Rodham Clinton was born in …show more content…

She wants to take away the people’s guns and said that the Supreme Court was wrong about the Second Amendment. According to her, the people do not have the right to guns but the second amendment states: “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” The people does a right to have guns. That why the Founding Fathers of this great nation put that amendment in second because it was the second most important. The first is the five freedoms that people have. Someone asked Hillary this question, “Australia managed to take away tens of thousands - millions - of handguns and in one year they were all gone. Can we do that and why? If can’t, why not?” ( NRA). She said this “I think that’s worth considering.” (NRA). The second amendment clear states that the people have the right to keep and bear arm. The National Rifle Association did not endorse Hillary Clinton as a result of her not supporting the second amendment. She want to take away the guns people have registered but that will solve nothing. The people that kill other people, kill with illegal gun. If the people do not have the right to defend themselves with a gun then they are dead. People gets killed when they have nothing to defend themselves with. That is why Hillary Clinton should not be president. Owen Snyder, seventeen year old, a strong believer in the …show more content…

People like Hillary more than they like Donald J. Trump. A lot of people like Hillary just because she is a women and a democrat. The people that would want Hillary as a president is if they are for abortion, they are against the second amendment, and they think that Hillary and her family is innocent. The people who vote for Hillary are people who wants Iran to nuclear missiles. The people who also want to vote for Hillary, can sign up for the draft because the US will declare war on someone and World War III will began. The illegal aliens will like Hillary because she wants open borders and she wants the refugees to come to America. Hillary thinks that minorities lives matters more than anybody else. The people who like paying other people's bills will vote for Hillary Clinton for president. A unborn baby is not a human and has not rights then vote for Hillary Clinton. There is many other things that people like about Hillary Clinton like she is going to raise to minimum wage, and lower insurance. She is going to pick a very liberal Supreme court justice. Well, she says she will but no one knows. If people can trust Hillary then they can trust anyone because Hillary is so

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