
Reducing Your Carbon Footprint and How the Stages of Change Model Can Help

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More and more people are coming to realize the negative impact our actions within the current global “take make waste” economic model are having on the environment. Environmental movements that advocate against the earth’s continued degradation instruct individuals, communities, and governments that it is critical to take action now. According to Prochaska and DiClement, the only way to increase the efficacy of any given call to action, however, is if the suggested change in behaviour is appropriate to where a person is currently at within the Transtheoretical Stages of Change model. Behaviour modification, from day-to-day habits to a more fundamental lifestyle overhaul, is often challenging to the point of failure. This happens because …show more content…

The Second Stage – Contemplation

As individuals begin to discover how their actions negatively impact the environment, mindfulness and dissonance grows. If this dissonance is complimented by a sense of empowered self-efficacy, and the realization that change brings benefits, these ingredients often result in the progression to the contemplation stage. At this stage, for example, the suggestion to eat organic, locally grown and produced food is a more appropriate call to action. The contemplation stage is marked by ambivalency, but the willingness exists to weigh the pros and cons, and the idea will not be immediately dismissed as an inconvenient expense. People in this stage need to know that there actions make a difference. Education and an unconditional support system can help a person progress through this stage.

The Third Stage – Preparation

Once people conclude that the benefits of change outweigh the inconveniences, they are likely to progress to the preparation stage. People in this position believe global warming is real, for instance, and will begin to feel deeply about their own contributory actions. Individuals in this stage are ready to work out the logistics of incorporating ethical eating into their day-to-day lives. Abstaining from fast-food, buying only organic

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