
Reflection Paper In Dentistry

Decent Essays

My epiphany occurred in the summer of 2013 when I offered to assist at my father’s dental office. I watched him gracefully prepare a tooth, inspire his employees to work hard, and hold himself and others to the highest standards of dental care. I was impressed by how he improved his patients’ lives by relieving them of pain or infusing them with a new sense confidence in their smile. I developed a sense that I should follow in his footsteps.

While the idea of being a dentist seemed exciting, in shadowing my father and his partner, Dr. Lynch, I wanted to discover if I could envision myself working in the profession. I challenged myself to find two aspects of dentistry that appealed to me every day that summer. Upon such reflection, it was easy to identify those elements. From observing the removal of an abscessed tooth to retracting lips in the placement of veneers to watching a bone graph procedure finish with an implant, I became excited to go to work again each day. I started looking at x-rays of patients to see what the most interesting case of the day would be, including the observation of baby teeth that had yet to emerge in an adult. Every day brought a new task or procedure that solidified my interest in dentistry as a career.

Still, I knew my desire would not be enough to make me a successful dentist. I would also need the talent and personality to thrive in this profession. As I spent time in my father’s office, I noted the necessary skill set possessed by both dentists. One must be a leader, detail oriented, and enjoy helping others. I believe I possess all these attributes.

I demonstrated leadership when I launched my collegiate tennis team to nationals with an overhead winner to the back corner. The tennis court became a place where I learned that others can depend on me and that my contributions can make a difference. By fighting for every last point through a three-hour match, my team advanced to the national tournament. Being a leader on this team meant leading by example and playing for my teammates, who had already fought for their match. Knowing that they depended on my win to finish the match, I dug deep to continue our season.

My commitment to detail can be seen through my

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