
Reflections On Privilege And Difference

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Reflections on Privilege and Difference

Nowadays, with the improvement of social culture and the transformation of educational concepts, parents and society have become more and more concerned with the education of children. However, children’s growth environment will be affected by many aspects like economic condition, race, parents’ attitude and so on. The most important one I think is the socio-economic factor. Poverty, especially in the extreme, can add to people’s sense of humiliation and powerlessness, particularly where the gap between rich and poor is growing. In this case, children who come from different family conditions will have totally varied childhoods. To overstate the case, the middle class parents with high expectations subject their children to a rigorous, meaningful and very busy schedule of study time and extra-curricular activities. They are preparing their children for admission to a famous college or university, and they expect them to succeed. Furthermore, they expect their children, once they are adults, to carry this demanding social process with them, governing their lives, and, in due time, even the lives of their children. On the other hand, although the less affluent parents value education, they give it little thought. For the children who are born in poor families, the future is open-ended. Their parents expect to get by using familial sources of extended-family support that served them well as children. Their expectations, however,

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