
Reflective Account on Communication Essay example

Decent Essays

Reflective account on communication

This assignment is a reflective account on communicating with a patient who cannot communicate verbally. To remain confidential I will call the patient, Patient A. I’m going to discuss the importance of non-verbal communication within a healthcare setting. Patient A was a 63 year old lady suffering from MND which resulted in her losing her speech.

This was my first shift back from having a few days off and I returned to work on a night shift. Patient A was admitted to the hospice that day. She was admitted for general deterioration and she had tried to maintain her independence up until breaking point. It was handed over she has aphasia.
Her inability to use her speech related muscles meant that …show more content…

I explained why we were unable to swap mattresses, due to it being late at night and one not being available but offered her a recliner chair instead. She accepted the offer, and appeared to be happy with this.
Myself and a colleague transferred Patient A into the recliner, she was then able to get some sleep that night in the recliner chair. This information was recorded on the patient’s notes and handed over to the day staff on the next morning.

I will now discuss how I was thinking and feeling during this event. I had been working at the hospice for over a year and had looked after patients with MND before. I had an idea of how it can affect communicating with the patient. I was apprehensive about approaching Patient A as I didn’t know what difficulties I may find whilst trying to communicate with her. She was able to communicate very well using the pen and writing down, and using hand gestures. I learnt that by speaking clearly with easy to answer questions we were able to communicate with each other effectively. Afterwards I felt pleased that were able to determine the problem and find a solution for her, despite the communication barriers.

I feel that the communicating between Patient A and myself worked well during this event. I noticed that she was uncomfortable by her body language and I picked up quickly which method was best to

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