
Reflective Account - Communication Essay

Decent Essays

Reflective Account On Communication!

Whilst on shift one day I needed to ask my key resident Mr H what clothes he wanted to wear for that day. Mr H is very hard of hearing but refuses to wear a hearing aid as he states they make his ears sore. Mr H has no speech difficulties. Before I proceed with Mr H's care I check his care plan where it is documented how he likes to be communicated with. Any changes to Mr H's communication ability should be reported and documented straight onto a daily diary sheet and into his careplan where other staff members are able to see the changes noted. I then knock loudly on Mr H's door so that he is aware of my prescence and await his reply, he called for me to 'come in'. On entering the room I …show more content…

I could tell if Mr H had understood or heard me correctly by his verbal responses and his facial expressions. Whilst communicating with Mr H I reviewed his hearing ability by making a mental note of the times he hadn't heard me correctly and compared this with the previous day, at present Mr H's hearing ability doesn't appear to have changed, I recorded this in the communication section of Mr H's care plan where others could see there were no changes at present. A short while later the nurse visited Mr H, to help support Mr H I privately, to ensure no breech of cofidentiality was broken, explained to the nurse the difficulties Mr H had with his hearing and explained to her the ways in which I communicate with Mr H in accordance to Mr H's preferences documented in his care plan. They both appreciated this as there were no misunderstandings and they both fely more at ease with eachother. I then indicated to Mr H that I would leave them in private by pointing to the door and waving, Mr H nodded his understanding and waved

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