
Reflective Essay On Health

Decent Essays

Many things can improve health whether it be for ones short-term or long-term health. After performing the task of composing a daily health diary for fifteen consecutive days, I have come to the realization that there are many things that I could change in oder to improve my health. I will be proposing a plan in this paper that will consist of behavioral changes for the next five weeks. I will want to engage in these changes for a various reason, I will conduct the plan for my adaption to these positive behavior changes, and I will strategize how to overcome any obstacles that I may face in this journey. How does one improve their health? Health can be improved through diet, sacrifice, exercise, and regular sleep. In order to improve my diet, I will be making positive behavior changes to all of these categories. For the diet aspect, I will limit the times I eat out going from 2-3 times a week to just 1. This will be one of my sacrifices on this journey. My sisters and I eat out because of our lack of groceries. It is not that we don’t buy healthy foods, it is just that we don’t by enough to last and we don’t buy groceries as often as we should. In order to make sure I stick to my limitations of fast food, I will commit myself to getting groceries once a week, on Sunday, that will last us the entirety of the week. If we have groceries, we will be less likely to want to send our money elsewhere because we would have already spent a lot on the groceries. Another sacrifice

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