
René Descartes Meditations On First Philosophy

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René Descartes, a philosopher in the 17th century era, begins his book Meditations on First Philosophy writing a letter to the Sorbonne. Later he talks about the basic principles of science. He also was to be able to show how Christianity was also consistent with science. In other words, that science and Christian faith were consistent with each other. With this being said, he had two main points through his meditations. He wanted to show that knowledge, specifically scientific, lay in the mind rather than the senses. Again, he also want to show that science and religion could go together. He is able to do this through several meditations, but in this document only the first two will be discussed. In the first meditation, Descartes begins by arguing the concept of …show more content…

He states that he often has perceptions of real life, but when he is asleep. He believes he is awake due to the realness of his surroundings when he is actually asleep. Therefore, he believes there is no definite sign to tell if one is dreaming or awake. With this being said, he believed all his perceptions could also be false when he was in a dream state. As I read this, I found it very interesting. Dreaming can be a surreal “location” at times, and it is truly amazing how complex the human brain is. I can definitely see how he comes to this conclusion, but due to scientific and psychological advances this simply is not the case. Furthermore, Descartes begins to argue his own statements. He explains that it could be argued the images that we see in the dream state can be created by scenarios and situations from our everyday experiences. Although most of the things that are dreamt we

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