
Research Paper On Heidi Roizen

Decent Essays

With background research done on Heidi Roizen, it can be seen that she lived an interesting professional life. She maintained many high-level positions and sought out how to make each one of them a new interesting chapter in her life. As a professor at the prestigious school of Stanford University, we can she that now Roizen has become interested in expanding the minds of students and the young professionals in order to hopefully allow them to expand their horizons and make something more of themselves. From time to time we notice that even the best-laid plans can crumble from even the slightest shift in time or with the acquisition of new information. It can be seen that Roizen maintains a high level of curiosity. This feeling has …show more content…

Communication can come in many forms, however. For example, one aspect of communication is internal. Internal communication is the open dialogue that she has within her organization. Keeping everyone on the same page and making everyone feel like they have a voice or opinion is something that will keep each sector of the company on track. Another example of communication would then be external. External communication, for example, a social network; is the act of her company spreading the word to the outside environment about their plans and the directions that the company is headed in. Communication between the public and the company and within the company itself has been one of the main keys that have kept Heidi’s company in an upward climb not only in her social …show more content…

At the beginning of her career as CEO of T/Maker, we see that she was not the one that created the company or the first spreadsheet programs designed for the personal computer user and released by her brother Peter Roizen. However the case, she still shows that she is willing to learn and shows how much she cares by buying out her brother and getting her hands in the business that she will eventually adapt and make her own. Heidi has shown that when she makes a commitment, she follows through and makes it happen. However, she states that you have to be realistic and not try to control things that are out of yours hands. Finding a way to meet and build relationships with the people that control the networks has been and will be the best way to successfully do your job. Understanding that although you may have created this, one must know that they are not always the highest assets. The introduction of her Apple career showed her how to test this network. Being the Vice President of Worldwide Developer Relations, Roizen was allotted the backbone in order to ship her network off to be tested by many new eyes. Once her network soared, Roizen acquired the capital in order to become a Venture Capitalist, which allowed her to invest and search for startups. This gave her the opportunity to potentially expand her networks or to even just

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