
Review Of ' A Survey Of Diet Self Efficacy, And Stress ' Essay

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The intention of this review analysis is to understand further the basis of a peer reviewed article. For example, the review will identified the research question being asked; also the review will identify the methods that will be used with the importance of the methods section, and also a review of some biases seen in the article. In addition, the results and issues will be discussed with improvements that can be made to the article.
Keywords: Review Article, Self-Efficacy, Perceived Stress, Diet

Review Analysis of a Peer Reviewed Article on Diet, Self-Efficacy, and Stress
The research article by Nastaskin & Fiocco (2015) titled “A survey of diet self-efficacy and food intake in students with high and low perceived stress” is to address unhealthy eating habits in young adults and its causes. The research question examined by the authors argued that understanding the relationship between stress, self-efficacy and food choice in young adulthood may have implications for preventing negative health outcomes later in life that stem from poor eating habits. The current study examined whether stress levels and diet self-efficacy may be associated with unhealthy eating habits in young adults (Nastaskin et al., 2015). Reading the introduction the authors addressed important details that relate to the question being asked in the research. One example addressed in the introduction was that stress levels can become heightened in certain situations, but greater self-efficacy

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