
Rhetorical Analysis Of King 's ' King '

Decent Essays

I. Thesis: King brilliantly applies rhetorical strategies such as pathos, logos and ethos that are crucial in successfully influencing detractors of his philosophical views on civil disobedience. II. Topic Sentence: King uses logos to object the Clergymen 's claim that the peaceful actions taken by the protestors precipitate violence. A. King proves that the Clergymen 's assertion about his Civil Right Movements are illogical. King does it by relating their statement to the act of robbery. B. King states, “Isn’t this like condemning a robbed man because his possession of money precipitated the evil act of robbery?"(King 5). C. King starts his argument by comparing the demonstration to the robbed man, which is a strong way to classify the victim. Based on the Clergymen 's assertion, the robbed man is the criminal because of his possession of money precipitate crime. D. King aligns victim of the robbery with the African-American protestors 'demonstration to logically appeal to the readers that just because an action might trigger an illegal act, it does not mean that the action should be censured. Instead, the one who commits the crime should be punished. Similar the robbed man, the demonstrations should not be condemned because they precipitate violence. Not only since they are peaceful, but even if there is violence, only those who cause it should be penalized. E.

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