
Rhetorical Analysis Of Martin Luther King Jr.'s Letter From Birmingham Jail

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In Martin Luther King Jr.’s essay, Letter from Birmingham Jail, he writes a letter that replies to the comments made by eight clergymen. The clergymen had said that African Americans were reacting too hastily and harshly to their environment and that they should wait for their freedom, saying it would come to them eventually. However, Dr. King explains to them, and all those reading the letter, that their freedom is not going to come willingly as well as the life they are forced to live. In one section of the letter, one which could easily be called the most significant paragraph of Dr. King’s rhetoric, he mentions how his family and the families around him are treated. The section, paragraph fourteen, uses a great deal of pathos or emotional …show more content…

While the pathos was highly mentioned in the above paragraphs of this essay through the way he mentions his family and children, the use of ethos might be concealed by the pathos. While he states the information of how there are just and unjust laws, he then states “I would be the first to advocate obeying just laws”( 14). That statement itself shows he is trying to persuade others to follow the laws because he himself, a good person who is fighting for what he believes is right would do it as well. Not only this, but it would have many people respect him for the fact that he follows the laws which he believes are just, meaning he has morality and logic which guides him instead of just emotions. Combining this with the pathos used throughout the paragraph strengthens it to the point in which people will fully sympathize with him and follow him on whichever journey he takes. Not necessarily because of his letter and bravery to stand up to a few comments given to a newspaper, but rather for his bravery altogether in the letter and how he connects himself with others then explains underneath the words how he sets the example for other men and women who are angry with the

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