
Rise Of Nazi Germany

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The rise of a united Nazi Germany is known as the most costly ascendant of power in the history of humanity. The Nazi Party, led by Adolf Hitler, dictated over Germany from (1933-45). Germany suffering defeat in World War I, provoked the rise of a powerful united Nazi country which in turn led to World War II, the Holocaust, and great influence left on the next generation of German youth. The rise of the notoriously known Nazi Party was caused by Germany suffering defeat in World War 1 in 1918, which left Germany politically unstable and economically depressed (Nazi Party). In 1919, Germany had been forced to sign The Treaty of Versailles by the victorious allies of WW1, which in turn caused more damage to the country’s economy. Germany was already almost bankrupt due to four long years of war and under The Treaty of Versailles Germany’s government was forced to make reparation payments to Britain and France for the damages and costs of the war. The treaty also restricted the size of the country’s army and navy and also stripped Germany of its colonies overseas and some of its border territories. The German people were suffering and felt humiliated by their defeat in the war and in because of this they were searching for someone or in this case, some race, to put the blame on (Maurice Isserman 2). Adolf Hitler, a WWI army vet, gave the German people exactly what they wanted when he joined the National Socialist German Worker’s Party, in 1919 (Nazi Party). The man that

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