
Role Of Femininity In Zora Neale Hurston's Sweat

Decent Essays

In Zora Neale Hurston’s “Sweat”, Delia undergoes a psychological and moral developmental change in response to the abusive nature of her husband, Sykes. This change is best represented by a pivotal moment in the text, the moment when Delia wields the iron skillet in newly found defiance against Sykes’ abuse. This defining moment in Delia’s life is also a defining moment in the text, highlighting the underlying concept of feminine resistance to over bearing masculinity. Near the beginning of the text Delia is shown to be enduring and magnanimous towards Sykes’ belittling and offensive behavior.He frightens her for his own delight and disrupts her work at his slightest whim. She believes that it is her role as wife, to not cause problems or

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