
Symbolism In Sweat By Zora Neale Hurston

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Symbolism is often utilized in literary pieces to help express an idea and reveal a deeper meaning. In Zora Neale Hurston's short story "Sweat," the main character, Delia, is a victim that suffers from her husband Sykes' cruelty and abuse. The symbols of clothing, sweat and snakes play a major role in "Sweat" and reveal hidden meanings (the truth) about the two characters Delia and Sykes. Clothing is one symbol that plays a major role in the short story that reveals some truth in Delia's and Sykes' marriage. Throughout the story, clothing represents Delia's job and the hard work she does. Sykes demonstrates his disrespect and ungratefulness for the hard work his wife does when he steps "roughly upon the whitest pile of things, kicking …show more content…

Not only does he drain her financially, but he has also abused her mentally and emotionally for the most of their marriage. Delia reminds Sykes that all she does is "Sweat, sweat, sweat! Work and Sweat, cry and sweat, pray and sweat!" from the fifteen years she has been washing laundry and laments (Hurston 278). However, despite all the cruelty that is happening, the author still portrays her persona with great compassion. Delia has enormous love, but soon discovers that she has the capacity to hate as much as she loves which has developed from her long-suffering life with Sykes. The author creates Delia based off her own life of being a Christian woman, therefore, in the story "Sykes is clearly wrong throughout the story, and Delia is right in living out the principles of Christian love, tolerance, and humility" (Banks). The importance of this quote is that it puts Delia's character into perspective and reveals why the way she is. The author's beliefs and practices are demonstrated through Delia and explain her actions in the story. Another symbol that is seen throughout the story are snakes. Snakes play a major role in the story and reveal information on the nature of Delia's and Sykes' relationship. In a "traditional myth and folklore and in the Bible, the snake represents evil" and are an allusion to the good and evil in the bible and are a symbol of original sin (Champion). Snakes can also indicate the coming

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