
`` Sweat `` By Zora Neale Hurston

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This is a Title “A battered woman can only endure, and only God can save her - if God will”(Carter 616). In “Sweat”, by Zora Neale Hurston, Delia, the main character, is trapped in an abusive relationship. No one in the town is willing to help Delia get out of her relationship. Delia has had to become a source of strength for herself, but if she wants to be saved, she will need God’s help. Delia faces many struggles and through it all tries to remain a woman of God. Eventually, she becomes an example of the Passion of Christ by suffering and triumphing over her hardships (Banks 3). Delia is a strong Christian woman, and there are many Biblical references throughout the story. In fact, Christian symbolism can be seen throughout Zora Neale …show more content…

After this incident, she received rejection after rejection. Near the end of her life, Zora Neale Hurston suffered from, “overweight, hypertension, poor diet, gallbladder trouble, ulcers, and various stomach ailments”(Carson 3). She had a stroke and according to Warren J. Carson, she “was placed in the Saint Lucie County welfare home, where, alone and penniless, she died on January 28, 1960”(3). She is now buried an in unmarked grave. Clearly, Hurston struggled in life, but through leaning on God and her faith, she pushed through the tough times. Hurston is now recognized as a distinguished author, and was able to overcome her hardships just like Delia. Knowing Zora Neale Hurston was a religious woman, it is no shock that throughout the “Sweat” there are many hidden Biblical references. One reference the story often makes is the snake. The snake is a reference to many things. It first, is a reference to the snake in the book of Genesis, where the devil tempts Eve. The snake also represents original sin and the darkness that comes in all of humanity. In “Sweat”, Delia is afraid of the snake, thus showing her fear of sin and darkness, portraying her as a strong Christian character. The snake can also be a connection to Christ. When the snake is first brought to the house it appears dead. It remains this way for three days, until it miraculously awakens (Carter 611). This relates to Christ when he is hung on the cross and buried. He

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