
Romeo And Juliet

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We all need to thank God that he didn’t make us as crazy as Romeo and Juliet. They made choices in the play that were so spontaneous and crazy that they ended up costing them their lives by the end. However, there are many lessons to be learned from Romeo and Juliet. I learned to always be honest, to not rush love, and to keep an open mind about things. The first lesson I learned from Romeo and Juliet is to always be honest. The friar married Romeo and Juliet without their parents’ consent, and that decision played an incredibly important role in Romeo and Juliet’s deaths. Neither Romeo or Juliet told their parents about the marriage, which also led to their deaths. The friar and Juliet had to stage a huge plan to get Juliet out marrying Paris, which was arranged by Juliet’s parents since they didn’t know she was married to Romeo. Juliet drank a sleeping potion, which later led Romeo to believe that Juliet was dead, which caused him to kill himself with the words, “Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die” (Romeo and Juliet. 5.3.120). The fact that Romeo and Juliet couldn’t see each other or communicate in any way caused them both to commit suicide. …show more content…

It took Romeo and Juliet one night together to decide that they had to get married, and we all saw how that turned out. The friar even warned Romeo to take his time by saying, “Wisely and slow. They stumble that run fast” (Romeo and Juliet. 2.4.101). Romeo jumped right from Rosaline to Juliet in about two hours, and the friar was fearful that he was moving too quickly in his love life. But, just as Romeo fell for Juliet, Juliet fell for Romeo. It didn’t take her any time to decide that Romeo was the one for her, and she was the first to propose marriage, only a few hours after they met for the first time. They moved way too fastly, and as we know, they ended up killing themselves because of

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