
Root Cause Analysis : Root Causes Analysis

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Root cause analysis process will utilize a systematic step-by-step approach to help identify all causative factors leading to this sentinel event. The main purpose of the Root Cause Analysis is to understand how the event happened, why did it happen, and what can be done to prevent an event from happening again. The first step, collect all necessary data associated with this event such as: current policy and procedures, incident report, Mr. B’s health history, environmental flowcharts, dispensed medications, equipment and staffing factors relevant to the event. The process of identifying causative factors can begin once all the data is collected. The goal, of a Root Cause Analysis, is to identify interventions to prevent an event from reoccurring. Scenario: Mr. B, a 67-year-old-man, came to the ER complaining of severe pain to his left hip and leg after falling over his dog at home. Left leg appears shortened with swelling in his calf, bruised, and limited range of motion.Mr. B has a history of impaired glucose tolerance and prostate cancer. Home medications include atorvastatin and oxycodone for chronic back pain. Mr. B’s labs, taken during a previous visit with his primary care doctor, revealed elevated cholesterol and lipids. Several errors and hazards can be identified as possible factors leading to the sentinel event. The ER appeared to be terribly understaffed that day with only one ER physician, one RN, one LPN, and a secretary.

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