
Sam Winchester's Clown Phobia

Decent Essays

Sam Winchester’s Clown Phobia Sam Winchester was raised to be what Supernatural refers to as a hunter with the motto “saving people, hunting things, the family business”. In other words, Winchester hunts things of supernatural nature such as demons, rakshasas, and witches. He battles these threats with no trepidation or hesitation. However, like Superman has a weakness, Winchester has a phobia that has sometimes hindered his ability to hunt to the best of his ability. Winchester has a phobia of clowns. Winchester’s brother, Dean, has joked in the show that even the vision of Ronald McDonald on the television triggers weeping. His irrational fear of clowns is manifested into the character’s behavior. This paper will cover comparisons of …show more content…

Superstitious behaviors and OCD symptoms can often get mistaken for each other for there are symptoms of OCD that can mimic superstitious behaviors. A compulsion and superstitious practices both derive from deep-seated irrational beliefs (“Superstition,” 2007). A compulsion is an urge to alleviate anxiety caused by an obsessive thought via repetitive behaviors (Leonello & Jones, 2016). Both superstition and compulsion involve believing that doing a specific action leads to the lift of an unrelated threat because that action brings serendipity or changes the situation (“Superstition,” 2007; Cromer, 2010). A compulsion would be a surgeon washing his hands for a specific period of time to prevent losing the patient in surgery; whereas, a superstition would be avoiding going under a ladder to prevent getting bad luck. Neither of the two are based on valid reason and instead may be a consequence of fears and misapprehension of correlation as cause and effect (“Superstition,” 2007; Cromer, …show more content…

Anxiety is an aroused emotional state distinguished by feelings of apprehension and bodily tension present when no real danger is present (“Measuring stress and anxiety,” 2011). Although used synonymously in everyday life, they are not the same. Psychologists view stress as a larger construct than anxiety; anxiety is the deleterious emotional reaction to stressors (“Measuring stress and anxiety,” 2011). Stress is a “pattern of physiological, behavioral, emotional, and cognitive” reactions to stimuli that are perceived as a potential threat to our well-being (“Measuring stress and anxiety,” 2011). Responding to stress can manifest itself in somatic anxiety (“Measuring stress and anxiety,” 2011). This is seen in a neuroendocrine secretion, quick breathing, perspiration, rapid heart rate, and more. Winchester should seek out Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for phobias are most effectively understood and treated from a behavioral perspective (Cromer, 2010). In CBT, the irrational fear and beliefs are identified and dissected in order to take away from of its power. The main objective of CBT is to desensitize a person to the trepidation to edify how to identify, assuage, and manage with anxious thoughts and feelings (Cromer, 2010). At times, therapy alone is not sufficient so one would be prescribed medication and pair it with therapy to treat the phobia (National Mental Health Information Center, 2005). Other than

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