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Introduction Schizophrenia in the media is often portrayed as violent, dangerous, and often homicidal (Owen, 2012). Individuals in movies such as Take Shelter, Shutter Island, and Mr. Brooks show an individual with schizophrenia as causing harm to themselves and others or engaging in paranormal activity, while mostly presenting positive symptoms. However, this representation is misleading and supporting stereotypes about schizophrenics. Persons with schizophrenia only make up one to two percent of the total people in the United States. Schizophrenia has been recognized since the 1800s, first labeled as dementia praecox by Emil Kraepelin; Kraepelin used the label because he believed the disorder was due to deterioration in the brain. However, …show more content…

The positive symptoms, symptoms that manifest, are the hallucinations, delusions, or disorganized speech. Two or more of the positive symptoms must be present for a diagnosis. Hallucinations, in the context of schizophrenia, are recurring auditory or visual experiences that are a creation of the mind. A person may see their dead relative or hear voices that are not part of reality. Delusions, on the other hand, are thoughts or beliefs that are irrational and often impossible, but the individual believes the thoughts or beliefs without question. The usual negative symptoms, symptoms that show a loss in a quality, are lack of emotion expression and lack of motivation or drive for everyday activities. An individual with negative symptoms may lay around the house all day, unmotivated to go to school or work. The individual may also have trouble expressing emotion or difficulty maintaining eye contact (Nolen-Hoeksema). The listed symptoms all fall on the schizophrenia spectrum, and manifest in each individual differently. Some individuals fit the criteria, while others fall along the spectrum. Schizophrenia symptoms can often be mistaken for certain personality disorders, such as schizotypal personality disorder, and vice versa. Nicole Diver, a main character in Tender is the Night by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is a prime example of a misdiagnosis between schizophrenia and schizotypal personality

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