
School Motivation And Learning Strategies Inventory

Decent Essays

School Motivation and Learning Strategies Inventory
The School Motivation and Learning Strategies Inventory (SMALSI) is a self-report tool designed to determine student performance across a comprehensive set of behaviors representing learning strategies, academic motivation, and test-taking. This inventory is unique in that it is designed especially for use with school-aged youth. There are two forms: a Child Form for students aged 8-12 years, and a Teen Form for students aged 13-18 years. Both forms consist of over 100 items written at a third grade reading level, which should take from 20-30 minutes to complete. The SMALSI can be administered individually or to a group; the form also can be read to students who have difficulty reading. The SMALSI is intended for use in both general and special education for the purposes of: (a) screening to facilitate identification of topics for group instruction; (b) prereferral intervention, which may ameliorate learning difficulties and avert the need for special education; (c) special education assessment, which is linked directly to intervention in areas that may exacerbate academic difficulties; and (d) research related to understanding the nature of these skills and to the development of effective interventions for learning strategies, test taking, and academic motivation.

Average T-scores were reported for select groups to determine whether clinically significant differences might emerge that would warrant

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