
School Shootings : A Nationwide Epidemic

Good Essays

Dalton Martin
Professor Chris Faulk
English 101
3 December, 2015
E4 final Draft
School Shootings: A Nationwide Epidemic Recently in America a tragedy occurred in San Bernardino, 14 people were murdered by 2 people that allegedly had ties to ISIS. Although officers responded in a matter of minutes, that speed isn’t always available, especially in rural areas. Is this the beginning of a change in America? I believe this is so and I also believe mass shootings should be addressed more specifically school shootings because the means of protection aren’t there. “Since 2013, there have been at least 161 school shootings in America- an average of nearly one a week.” (161 School Shootings in America Since 2013. That statistic includes 3 Indiana schools St. Mary’s Catholic School in Griffith, Indiana on 4/21/14, Purdue University on 1/21/14 and Indiana State on 9/29/14, also a high school in Louisville, Kentucky a day after the Indiana State shooting. These aren’t just happening on the west coast or down in Florida where the news only talks about, the places that seem to never be close, they’re happening close to home You can typically divide schools into 2 categories large and small and even from those two stem to rural and urban. For this essay I’ll talk a little bit about all sectors of schools because they all require a little different approach. There are two ways to approach most scenarios, offensive and defensive, both have pros can cons but they

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