
Scientific Revolution DBQ

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The Scientific Revolution was a period of the development of the new and modern theories of science and universe. This development took place from 16th century to 17th century. This concept was widely accepted by the people of Europe. This period changed the beliefs which were not accurate and changed the status of women in the society. Many scientists, such as Nicolas Copernicus, Johannes Kepler and Sir Issac Newton changed the European history with the help of new discoveries and knowledge and disagreement with the Catholic Church.

Scientific Revolution was a turning point in the European history because it challenged the Catholic Church and its authority. Scientists like Copernicus challenged the theories of the church about universe that Earth centered the Solar System "Geocentric Theory" (Doc 6) and replaced it with the accurate and true theories about universe that Sun centered the Solar System "Heliocentric Theory". Scientists reshaped church's beliefs about Spiritual things in the universe (Doc 1). There were only heavenly bodies in the universe like Sun, Moon, Plants and Stars. Scientific Revolution changed the status of Women. Women were sharing their ideas and reason's for things and played a important role in the Scientific Revolution. …show more content…

Kepler Discovered that all planets move around Sun in ellipses and they cover equal distance in same interval of time (Doc 5). Kepler also discovered the structure of the Solar System and orbital properties of planets with the help of Sir Issac Newton but church disagreed with Kepler because church's beliefs state that every thing in the universe is motionless (Doc 2). Scientific Revolution also changed the political and the social world by changing the beliefs and challenging the church's authority. Church had no powers because parliament was the house of

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