
The Transition Of Medieval And Modern Times

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The transition of Medieval to Modern happened over a long period of time. The middle ages marked a dark time in Europe’s history, and the people were anxious to get out. The Renaissance began, and art emerged to create a brighter society. During the Reformation, the country shifted away from the Roman Catholic Church, and many Protestant religions emerged. The Scientific Revolution also marked a change in medical to modern by creating new ways to look at the world and mathematics. The Age of Discovery marked yet another change in Medical to modern Europe when new technologies emerged in order to navigate around the world. Along with many other rulers, King Louis XIV changed France into a country looking to expand, which differed from …show more content…

Sfumato used smokiness, and the colors within the painting merging together. It was emotion within the scene and showed enormous depth. Through all of the different art advances during the renaissance, the Renaissance Art helped shift Europe out of the medieval times and into a more modern lifestyle. The reformation was a key factor in the transition of medical to modern Europe. During the end of the Middle Ages, the Church became corrupt and started focusing on money instead of power. Therefore, many reformers emerged onto the scene to help stop these corrupt methods. Martin Luther was the first to go against the church, and he was followed by many other reformers soon after. Luther, along with other reformers, marked a change in the way religion was in Europe. They formed their own ways of religion against the church, and formed a modern way of religion in Europe. Before, there was one main religion, and if you were not Catholic you were not accepted. Yet after the Reformation, more religions emerged in Europe. Although they were not all accepted everywhere, the people were able to practice their religion without being persecuted. Through the Reformation and the acceptance of other religions, Europe shifted from medieval to modern. The scientific revolution in changed the way people thought about mathematics and engineering. In medieval times, there was no reason for a lot of the events. Through the scientific revolution, Europe

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