
Self Control And Self Leadership

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Self-leadership is defined as the process people influence themselves to establish self-direction, self-management, and self-motivation (Neck & Manz, 2010). In another study, Stewart, Courtright, and Manz (2011) emphasised that self-leadership is different from self-control and self-management, which provides a person with a good self-leadership skill three great advantages. First of all, self-leadership allows individuals establish a higher level of self-influence. Manz (1986) indicates that a standard can be a fundamental element for establishing goal for performance, which means that individuals will own more positive thoughts about their abilities. Secondly, self-leadership has a significant role in creating intrinsic motivations for self-regulation. It will enhance individuals’ feelings of competence and perceptions of self-efficacy. In other words, enhanced self-efficacy will probably result in better performance through continuous effort and persistence. Thirdly, it suggests additional strategies for self-control and the feeling of purpose is improved through the process of reflection. On the other hand, from my own opinion, I think that self-leadership still exists drawbacks in individuals’ development. First and foremost, if individuals do not have enough information and knowledge about their career, the process of self-direction can face mistakes. As a result, they will need more time to start career path from the beginning. More importantly, if individuals are

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