
Selfishness And Greed In Toni Morrison's Song Of Solomon

Satisfactory Essays

Raquell McCullough Selfishness and greed would have to be a common trait for humans. Milkman, in Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison, happens to demonstrate both of these traits. Milkman is selfish and would never stop to help others. He goes on a journey in search for gold, which this journey helps milkman to not only change his view of life, but also to find out a few things about his family. Greed lead Milkman to this journey and finding out about his family’s history. The original plan for this journey was for milkman to stumble over some gold, which later transforms his personality from self-important and mean to caring and thoughtful. At the beginning Milkman is not very pleasant, he was similar to his father, self-centered and mean. Macon

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