
Sensory Neurons Research

Satisfactory Essays

I have chosen to investigate this topic as my gran is currently in hospital suffering from this.

The central nervous system (CNS) consists of the brain and the spinal cord. The brain is the most complex of all organs and has a central role which is to control all of the bodily functions, such as awareness, movement, sensations, thoughts, speech and memory. Sensory neurons also known as are nerve cells receive information as tiny electrical signals. There are three different type of neurons that all have a different function. Sensory neurons carry messages (signals) to the spinal cord and then on to the brain, relay neurons carry messages from one part of the CNS to the other whereas the motor neurons carry messages from the CNS to effectors. For example if a person accidently touches something very hot the skin receptors would very quickly send nerve impulses to the spinal cord which would then be processed on to the brain and the …show more content…

Many things can cause a SAH such as a bleeding disorder, hypertension (high blood pressure), use of blood thinners or the most common a ruptured anuerysm. An anuerysm is when an artery in the brain becomes enlarged due to weakness in the arterial wall. When this happens to a person the blood from the anuerysm can leak into the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) into the subarachnoid space around the brain and the blood can then irritate, damage or destroy nearby brain cells. This causes many problems with bodily functions and mental skills such as speech, balance and coordination, focussing on tasks, vision problems, memory, hearing and lots more. If a brain anuerysm is caught before rupturing it can be treated. Brain anuerysms that are small (less than 10mm) have a low chance of rupturing therefore if caught early on a doctor would avoid surgery and try to monitor the patient making sure they are not at risk of the anuerysm growing which would then be

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