
September 17th Disaster

Decent Essays

The September 17th disaster and how it further impacted the environment and the survivors.

Chapter Four: Presentation of Major Points
Options: on-site news reporting; dramatization; team's choice

Four to five Essential Questions:
The September 17th disaster came in the form of a typhoon (Makurazaki). How did this natural disaster affect the lives of those at Hiroshima?
“Another Hiroshima” The typhoon victims consisted of atomic bomb survivors, soldiers, nurses caring for them, and atomic bomb researchers -- all were war victims at the time. Thus the disaster was nicknames “Another Hiroshima”
The rain that came as a result of Typhoon Makurazaki washed away most of the radioactive materials , making the living environment better for the …show more content…

Flooding and mudslides resulted in deaths of 2,473 people.
After the typhoon, the environment was made safer for the survivors as a lot of the radioactive materials was washed away.
Why was there not much information about Typhoon Makurazaki when it struck Hiroshima on September 17, 1945?
The Asahi Shimbun (one of the 5 national newspapers) went against the General Headquarter’s press code for voicing criticism of the U.S. atomic bombing. This resulted in the newspaper’s suspension of publication on August 19 and 20. Because of this suspension, other papers began to regulate themselves, making Hiroshima-related articles less significant.
The atomic bomb destroyed everyday functions like the radio and newspapers, thus preventing the citizens of Hiroshima from being notified of the typhoon.
Why was the typhoon so devastating, especially to a country that is prepared for (and has sustained) annual typhoons?
Over half of the casualties were in Hiroshima Prefecture because many of the city functions were destroyed by the bomb dropped on August 6.
The Hiroshima District Meteorological Observatory, the prefectural government, City Hall, newspapers and radio were not yet fully recovered, and therefore, the citizens did not get the warning that the typhoon was

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