
Servant Leadership Is A Term Defined By Robert L. Greenleaf

Decent Essays

Servant Leadership Servant leadership is a term defined by Robert L. Greenleaf in 1970 (Spear, 2010). Marquis and Huston, (2015, p. 56) describe servant leadership as, “…put serving others…as the number-one priority. In addition, servant leaders foster a service inclination in others that promotes collaboration, teamwork, and collective activism.” This is a type of leadership style that can positively impact one’s relationships with others. Servant leadership has various characteristics that distinguish this unique style of leadership. Listening, awareness and empathy are three major characteristics that one must possess to truly be a servant leader. These characteristics can be implemented in the every day practice of nursing to better the work environment.
Listening Listening is an important characteristic for a leader to possess, as it helps for one to be able to gather and prioritize all relevant data. In turn this helps one be able to communicate properly and put together plans of action for those who are following the leader (Spears, 2010). Spears (2010) made an important point by explaining that listening doesn’t just mean listening to others, but also listening to yourself and your conscience.
Being aware is one of our most instinctive traits; it is what keeps one alive and lets one know when and when not to cross the street. Being aware can also mean being aware of people’s feelings that one is working with or being culturally aware

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