
Sexuality Among Young Adults : The Role Of Parents

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Sexuality among Young Adults: the Role of Parents
Catherine M Peralta
Dr. Fernandez
Panther ID 2986720
Childhood psychopathology FALL 2014

There is no doubt that discussing matters of sexuality with children is a topic that is closely guarded in many communities. However, when parents fail to talk to their children about this topic, the results that ensue are regrettable. When young people are not educated about sex, they end up having premarital unsafe sex. This phenomenon has contributed to high cases of unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted disease among adolescents. This paper outlines the significance of talking to children at a very early age. It emphasizes that parents ought to discuss matters of sexuality with their children in order to address the ever increasing cases of sexual irresponsibility among young adults.

Sexuality among Young Adults: the Role of Parents
Sexuality is a topic that is not easily discussed in the open especially when children are involved. In many cultures, matters pertaining to sexuality are kept secret, and most of the time children learn about sexuality from their peers (Pedlow &Carey, 2003). There are so many myths surrounding sexuality in many cultures, and this hinders parents from talking to their children about sexuality (Pedlow &Carey, 2003). Consequently, cases of teen pregnancies and sexually transmitted illnesses among the youth has been on the rise in different parts of the world.

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