
Shey's Quote Analysis

Decent Essays

This month’s quote is,”I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” I think this quote means many things. The beginning of this quote states that alone one person can’t change the whole world. Now this makes total sense. It is physically impossible to change the whole world by yourself. That part is really easy to understand;it’s pretty self-explanatory. Now, the second part of this quote is a little more complex. I think Mother Teresa was using a metaphor in her quote. I think she is representing a stone as a person, and the ripples as an effect the stone causes. So basically, one person can do one thing to change the world and it can have a rippling effect. I think ripple effect means …show more content…

In my life many people try to change the world without knowing it. Shey is one of those people, who can make your day in a second. She is always so make and makes everything a joke. Shey really makes me feel better, so then i want to make someone else feel better, and then a cycle starts. Just by Shey making my day better, I spread the happiness. Her good deed lead to another good deed. Shey was the rock, who started the ripple effect. Shey’s action caused me to have an equal action, therefore putting us closer to making the world a better …show more content…

My team uses the same ripple effect and Mother Teresa’s quote describes. If one person comes out ready to play and full of energy, then other people find that energy contagious. Then everyone is excited and happy and ready to play hard. Usually Shey and Hannah Bader are the ones to spread the energy. In basketball energy is a key to the performance of the game. The ripple effect happens all the time, now we aren’t changing the world, but we are using the ripple effect daily.
One world example could be recycling. One person does recycles, it can lead to another, and another. That is helping our planet slowly change. One by one we can improve our planet if we recycle. One person can help make the world a better place. I know when i see someone making an effort to help the planet I want to too. Nobody like to feel left out, so eventually someone else will join the recycling train and soon enough tons of people are recycling daily.
In the world many things happen. Normally we hear the bad stuff. Now, in the world we can’t change it alone. Together we can change the world, but the key word is together. Nobody can make the world better alone or win a basketball game alone, right. One person can start the change and others

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