
Short Term Goals

Decent Essays

I have a lot of career goals that I am currently working on and some that will be started shortly. All of these goals are going to help me with my career and personal life. This paper is going to discuss some of my short and long term goals that I am planning for. This paper will also describe how I plan to accomplish those goals with the help of an education plan. There have been a lot of technological developments within my career field that will affect both my long term and short term goals.
1. Short Term Goals.
One of my short term goals that will make an impact in my career is to finish my associate’s degree in Mechanics and Maintenance. This short term goal will be complete in October which will help me obtain a job in the civilian sector once I leave the military. Earning my associates is going to help me obtain a civilian job once I leave the military. A second short term goal is to begin looking at what program I want to enroll in for my Bachelor’s degree. There are many Bachelor degree programs to choose from and I have narrowed it down to the following two, Human Resource Management/Organizational Management and Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership.
2. Long term Goals. …show more content…

Two of the programs I have interest in Human Resource Management/Organizational Management and Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership. A second long term goal is to apply for an Officer program within the Navy. Applying for this program will allow me to serve an expert in the engineering field which would allow me the opportunity to manage and train younger personnel that are entering this trade in the Navy. Not only would this be something that would look good on my resume, it also give me the hands on training that will go along with the degree plan I am going to

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