
Should College Athletes Be Paid Essay

Decent Essays

Pay for Play? In today’s college sports it is no longer just a game. It is also a business. Tons of NCAA Division one Universities make a lot of their income off of their sports programs. An issue that falls under this category includes the heated debate involving whether or not student athletes should be paid. College athletics is a billion dollar industry and has been for a long time. Due to the increasing ratings of college athletics, this figure will only rise because the faster, stronger, bigger the athletes become the more money they will generate. College athletics should be considered a profession, therefore athletes should be paid. College athletes should not be paid, the reason for that opinion is that college athletes attend school …show more content…

The NCAA following with courts have addressed the issue that student athletes at the collegiate level are not employees therefore they should not get paid to play. “The NCAA believes that student-athletes are not employees, under the law, and that they should not be treated as employees either by the law or by the schools they attend.” (Should college athletes be paid to play? pg. 12-13 ). Although college athletes dedicate a lot of their time to their craft and school work, they still are not professionals and do not deserve to get paid. At top schools, many athletes receive scholarships. But some people think the players deserve a real paycheck, especially since some of the sports they play are million-dollar businesses. “Top college athletes already get plenty of benefits, such as free tuition and meals. Even though some colleges profit from sports, many don't have enough money to pay their athletes.” (Scholastic News Edition 4 pg. 7 ). College athletes should focus on their education, less than two percent of them will end up playing

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