
Should College Athletes Be Paid Essay

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College athletes being paid to play, good or bad? This would be for the athletes that are going to be competing at the Division 1 level. According to NCAA’s official website a study was done and the stats showed that the highest percent of all athletes that would play D1 was 12.3% which was for lacrosse. The highest percent that the students would go play at the highest level which is Division 1 is .7% which is for volleyball. This is a very small amount of student athletes that get to go n to the next level of play and maybe to the professional league. So it would make sense that the athletes that are able to play at the highest level should be paid to do whatever sport it is that they are playing. People argue that the D1 athletes kinda get paid by the full ride scholarships that they receive. Well the athletes who play in the pros make money so why shouldn’t the players who play at the highest level be paid in the lower bracket of competition. One of the main reasons that they consider that college athletes be paid is due to the workload of the …show more content…

So, not only would they have to pay the athletes but they would have to pay the other students that attend the university. The other students still make money there such as working for the school. So the sports teams that get paid are making the school money so they are doing there job. People think that these athletes should not be paid and should only receive scholarships. If you really think about it though, giving a student a scholarship is paying them. The university is giving the athlete a portion or the whole price of tuition just to attend and play for them. That is paying the athlete because the athlete doesn’t have to pay for school whereas some who just chooses to go there and pay. The athlete has earned their spot by working hard and the university is rewarding them by paying for there

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