
Essay about Should Guns be Allowed on College Campuses?

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School shootings have altered American history greatly over the past two decades. From 1997 to 2007, there have been more than 40 school shootings, resulting in over 70 deaths and many more injuries. School shoot-outs have been increasing in number dramatically in the past 20 years. There are no boundaries as to how old the child would be, or how many people they may kill or injure. At Mount Morris Township, Michigan, on February 29th, 2000, there was a 6 year old boy who shot and killed another 6 year old girl at the Buell Elementary School with a .32 caliber pistol. And although many shootings have occurred at High Schools or Middle Schools, having more guns on those campuses would not be a good environment for children to grow up in. …show more content…

The modern world is a lot different from 200 years ago; however the need for self-defense still remains and should be available to any citizen at any time or any place. Johanne Kimberline (2008), another supporter, discussed the annual number of weapons produced by American gun-manufacturers; “American gun manufacturers crank out roughly 3.5 million firearms annually. The country's most popular handgun is the semi-automatic…” (p. A1); which were also the same weapons used in the Virginia Tech shooting, partly because of the abundance, as well as the convenience of the size. Johanne (2008) goes to also talk about carrying handguns without a permit; “In Virginia and 10 other states, residents 18 or older can "open carry" a handgun without a permit” (p. A1). Since so many people can openly carry a handgun in restaurants and bars they should also be allowed to carry it on campus. Allowing Professors to carry concealed weapons on campus, it could potentially lower the number of victims and tragedies. Cool mentioned how to make the impositions more realistic with certain regulations on the rule; “It would be absurd to allow every college student to be armed. But responsible adult students (including veterans and former police officers) as well as university employees and staff should have that option.” He then also states how people can be intimidated or hesitant and to get a potential threat to

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