
Significance Of Histone 3 Gene Family In Arabidopsis Thaliana

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It is fascinating to know that two meters of human DNA are packed inside ∼1000 µm3 nucleus. How this amazing packing occurs in nature was a great mystery until the discovery of nucleosome and its structural organizations. Nucleosome is a basic unit of chromatin that consists of 146 bp fragment of DNA wrapped around a protein octamer known as histone. One nucleosome contains two molecules of each Histone 2A, Histone 2B, Histone 3 and Histone 4. Besides that, Histone 1 is linked with DNA that connects various histones in the nucleosome (Kamakaka and Biggins, 2005). All these histone proteins belong to different gene families but this review will focus on histone 3 gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana.

Histone 3 gene family
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Histone3.3 impacts plant development and transcription
H3.3 is encoded by three HISTONE 3 RELATED (HTR) genes, HTR4 (At4g40030), HTR5 (At4g40040), and HTR8 (At5g10980), which are expressed in all tissues throughout the developmental stages (Okada et al., 2005). Wollmann and colleagues studied function of the H3.3 in Arabidopsis by utilizing mutant lines (Wollmann et al., 2017). Since single and double mutant of H3.3 subfamily did not have phenotype, triple mutant was used for the study. h3.3 kd-1 and h3.3 kd-3 plants were smaller than wild type and had serrated leaf margin and decreased fertility (Figure 2). H3.3 knockdown caused a variety of pleiotropic effects in plants possibly by changing the transcription. Thus, the impact of H3.3 knockdown on transcription was studied by using RNA-seq analysis. More than 900 genes were significantly mis-regulated in h3.3kd with the majority being downregulated (Figure. 2). Gene ontology term analysis (GO-Term) of downregulated genes revealed a large variety of response processes, including environmental and endogenous stimuli. Wollmann and colleague demonstrated that H3.3 is not required for gene expression in a global scale but the loss of H3.3 directly or indirectly affects the expression of genes related to response to internal and external stimuli.

H3.1 binds to silent genes and H3.3 binds to active genes
To determine the genome wide binding of H3.1 and H3.3 proteins, Chromatin

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