
Similarities Between Anthem And Harrison Bergeron

Decent Essays

Both protagonists from the novel Anthem and short story “Harrison Bergeron” face difficult problems within their society yet each of them know there is more going on than what they are told. In both societies they are taught that everyone is equal and they are treated as a whole but the main character in each story knows that the government is hiding things from the citizens about who they are and what’s truly going on. The protagonists from Anthem and “Harrison Bergeron” are both incredibly smart and share some of the same characteristics that would help them through the situation that they are in, but overall the protagonist Equality 7-2521 is a more inspiring and developed character rather than Harrison Bergeron because of his desire to …show more content…

He has had most of his life to think about things and progress from what he has learned while Bergeron is only fourteen and was sent to jail. “International 4-8818 stepped back. But we pulled at the grill and it gave way. And then we saw iron rings as steps leading down a shaft into a darkness without bottom” (31). Equality 7-2521 discovers a “hole” in the ground and uses that to learn many new things about the earth and the unknown. After uncovering this information he uses it to prove to the counsel that there are many things left to be found in the world and he believes that he can help them and possibly teach them these things so they can build off of that. Even though Bergeron escaped from jail and had the chance to come across new things he chose not to. Instead he chose to demand people to listen to him which made them even more scared than they already were and did not help his situation at all. If Bergeron had chosen to create new things and learn more like Equality 7-2521 had then he would have the proof he needed and people may have listened to him more and would have understood what he was saying. Due to the decisions he made Bergeron was seen as a criminal and everyone was too focused on what he may do to them instead of what he was trying to

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