
Similarities Between Han China And Imperial Rome

Decent Essays

Han Dynasty vs. Imperial Rome Both Imperial Rome (27 B.C. – 476 A.D) and the Han Dynasty (206 B.C – 220 A.D) were two great civilizations that were significantly alike to each other. Both had a government that were based off of a monarchy; two rulers with absolute power. And with that power both would order a tremendously large work force to build large projects. However, the two rulers chose to run their government differently. Rome used a Republic style of governing while the Han used legalism. The Han’s government would also be the judge, jury, and executioner of any court issues, whereas Rome would have to get approval from the senate before anything could be done. The Han and the Romans were both ruled by one man, and that man would have absolute power over anything that could or would happen. When elites of Imperial Rome decided that Julius Caesar should be removed from this position, Julius used his own army to attack the people of Rome. People began to abhor Julius and his doings. Just like Julius Caesar, emperors of the Han had absolute power. Despite there being a king and governors of country inside of the dynasty’s region, they would always have to abide to the emperors rules. …show more content…

Both the Han and Romans had a huge labor force that they would use to erect large projects. Rome had an enormous slave labor force that was used to build canals for water irrigation and roads for transportation and trade. 1/3 of the population of Rome were slaves. (Around 19~ Million) They consisted of Greeks, and people from Mesopotamia, North Africa, and Macedonia. Han too used a large labor force. The emperor would send civilians, around 300,000, to help build temples, palaces, and improve on the Great Wall. The emperor would do so to keep the civilians busy and not worry about any political problems going on. Both of the Nations used the force to help build up their city and improve

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