
Similarities Between Han China And Imperial Rome

Decent Essays

During the classical age two equally large empires stood at opposite sides of Eurasia, Imperial Rome which lasted from 31 B.C.E to 476 C.E and encompassed all the lands of the Mediterranean, and The Han Dynasty of China which lasted from 206 B.C.E to 220 C.E and encompassed all of China. Both these empires had similar traits in their political structures and belief systems, but each had their singularities that made them unique; despite the geographical separation they had. Both empires placed supernatural sanctions on their regimes to allow an unrestricted level of government control and interference over their people; Rome with Imperial cults that revered their deceased emperors to be gods, and Han China with the mandate of heaven that …show more content…

Both Imperial Rome and Han China focused profoundly on territorial expansion. The reasoning behind so was due to the threats both empires security and stability faced which led to the need of conquest to consume their threats rather than directly solve their issues, which led to more threats causing a constant expansion of these empires. Although the constant conquest did lead to more threats the empires gave inflation to many new military methods, allowing a more broad hand the government had and could use to their advantage in various situations both inside and outside their empires. The increased military coercion and taxation both empires had also created a new political aspect they shared. Imperial Rome and Han China shared similar interest in civil service building projects. The civil service building projects were encouraged due to political threats both these Eurasian empires face but also encourage economic growth. Imperial Rome and Han China’s creation of roads within and along the boundaries of their empires developed easy communication links, heightened and supported economic activity, and made easier the coercion of the military. imperial Rome and shared political structures that made these distant empires quite similar politically

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