
Similarities Between The Mid-Atlantic Colonies And New England Colonies

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Slavery was practiced many different ways through the New England, Mid-Atlantic, and Southern colonies. Slaves were mistreated by their masters and was treated as property and not people. Slaves had to work in very bad weather conditions and had to work even when they were sick. Many times families were split up because slaves were bought for specific skills and not always bought together. In many cases families were never reunited.
A main similarity throughout the New England and Mid-Atlantic colonies by the late 1700s was that slavery was abolished. Abigail Adams and Mum-Bett’s personality were similar on abolishing slavery. In document 2, Abigail Adams stated how she is antislavery and she doesn’t like having slavery in the colonies. …show more content…

One difference would be how the New England colonies had the highest percentages of slaves in 1790 while the other colonies had lower percentages. Although the New England colonies had the highest percentages of slaves, they had the least amount of population and slave population compared to the other colonies. Another difference found in document 7 was “New England also was the center of the slave trade in the colonies, supplying captive Africans to the South.” It also stated during that time, the Mid-Atlantic colonies had been under Dutch rule before the British conquered them in …show more content…

One similarity would be how mater’s of slaves in all the colonies (Mid-Atlantic, New England, and Southern colonies) beat them or even hang the slaves to their death for disobedience. It states in document 5, “To make a law to hang us all, would be merciful, when compared with this law; for many of our masters would treat us with unheard of barbarity, for daring to take the advantage (as we have done) of the law made in our favor.” In document 4 we read about a man named Titus who didn't want to go back home to his master’s house so he ran away. If he would have gone back to his master he would have gotten beaten, or hanged, or even sent to jail. He would have gotten whipped many times and have hot water thrown at his face. Some differences in the Mid-Atlantic and other colonies would be how in document 5, some slaves were set free because of an act of assembly passed on March 1, 1780. Cato petitioned to the Pennsylvania assembly requesting how the slaves should not be sent back after being set free because their masters would be so angry at them for leaving. In the other colonies they didn’t have the act of assembly and they wouldn't be able leave because the masters wouldn't let

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