
Slavery And Freedom : An Interpretation Of The Old South

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James Oakes ' book, Slavery and Freedom: An Interpretation of the Old South, is a reflection of slavery and freedom that was closely associated with the ordinary life in the South. The book also hits on points of liberal capitalism that the slave-owner 's had. This book goes into immense detail on liberal capitalism as well as the lack of freedom that the slaves had in the Deep South. "...And this could only mean that southern slavery was defined as the denial of the assumptions of liberal capitalism" (xiii). That in essence makes the slave 's South connection to liberal capitalism closer and way more problematic.

Slavery is an association of authority and respect where one individual, the plantation owner, owns another individual, the slave. The owner can command the individual to various jobs around the plantation. Slaves were brought from Africa to work in the home, babysit plantation owner 's kids, and the most popular , to work on farms. Women were more common for working in the owner 's homes and watching after the owner 's kids. Where men were more likely to work on farms picking cotton. Slavery was serious and diminishing towards the African American race. Punishment toward slaves included numerous gruesome activities such as being whipped. Slaves had no legal rights. Slaves could not own property, vote, or have control over their family. There was so much expected from slaves to keep the plantation running like it needed too. Without slaves the South would not

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