
Slavery And The Civil War

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Abraham Lincoln once said, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” In the 1800s, the American nation was slowly becoming a house divided against itself. The United States were no longer united, mainly over the issue of slavery. In fact, many historians believe that, “From the nation’s founding, the issue of slavery threatened to tear the United States apart.” (“The Civil War” 1). The issue of slavery was always kept at bay through the utilization of various compromises; however a permanent solution was never sought after by the government. The peoples’ perspective of slavery differed by region. In the South, the economy was extremely reliant on farming and agriculture. These areas required slave labor, so Southerners favored slavery. However, in the North, many people were pro-abolition and called for the end of slavery (“Slavery: Three Points of View” 2). These varying ideals about slavery ultimately lead to the start of the Civil War. When Lincoln, the Republican, pro-abolition candidate, won the Election of 1860, Southern states began to secede from the United States. Within 6 months of Lincoln’s election, the Confederate States of America had been created (“The Civil War” 1). The Confederacy despised the principles of the North, or the Union, and was ready to go to war in order to settle their differences. This war would forever change life in America and even break down society’s barriers between the races. In short, key battles and the abolition of slavery are

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