
Slavery And The United States

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Slavery; An Issue Neglected to a Key Principle in the U.S. For 20 years slavery had existed in the United States of America despite its immorality and the objections of many citizens. Strides were made to correct this injustice around the time of the Revolutionary war; colonists started to demand their natural human rights from Britain. In 1766, our founding fathers were the first faced with a decision to abolish slavery; they felt the pressure from facing the purpose of their campaign due to the irony that they were denying these same rights to people of color. This paradox created tension between the American government and African Americans, slaves also recognized the hypocrisy of white Americans. Unfortunately, the second time the …show more content…

In 1788, the creators of the U.S. Constitution strongly believed that complying with the southern states wishes to continue slave trade was the only way to gain the support of the representatives delegating from South Carolina and Georgia. Evading the issue on slavery was not a solution, but added fuel to the flame; it created even bigger controversy and created bigger conflicts as follows: In order to ensure that the constitution passed, Congress agreed to postpone their right to ban slave trade until 1800 and then extended it to 1808. The second conflict was the creation of the Three-Fifths Clause. It was meant to account for how many representatives are allowed to represent each state, however, the foundations of this clause were derogatory; it further classified slaves as property instead of human beings and only suggested this clause to gain more representation of state than others. Next was The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, this law provided southern states with the right to pursue and capture escaped slaves seeking freedom in the north. Not only was this act unsound but also resulted in the unlawful capture of already free African Americans who were subjected to a life in slavery. The initial lack of action against slavery led to the fear of confrontation from Northern states and thus, they didn’t push too hard on slavery issues to appease its fellow states and their delegates.

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