
Sniff And Scurry

Decent Essays

1. Who does your personality reflect – Hem, Haw, Sniff or Scurry? Explain why.

I find my personality reflecting Scurry. To mention one portraying example of this; my parents decided that we would move from Norway to South Africa during my first year of high school.
Since I was not included in the planning phase and did not know the change were to happen, I could not be Sniff, who would have seen the change coming. However, when hearing that we would emigrate, I quickly saw the opportunities this could lead to. I therefore changed my behaviour and current mind-set just like Scurry would.
As I was not reluctant and hesitant towards the change like Haw would have been, my personality does not reflect Haw’s either, who was able to go through change, but took long …show more content…

When analysing Kurt Lewin’s change model, what differences do we see between Hem & Haw, and Sniff & Scurry.

In the movie one can see the character’s different reactions towards change. Hem does not want to change his old ways or see the need for change, because of this he never goes through the unfreezing stage. Hem tried to peer pressure Haw to stay behind as well, thus making Hems unfreezing process more tedious. However, Sniff and Scurry foresaw the need for change and easily went through this stage.
The next stage in the model is change intervention, this is where the actual behaviour and work practice is changed. Sniff and Scurry changed their behaviour as well as their work practice as a natural cause of the unfreezing stage (McWilliams & Williams, 2014). Haws process is longer, and he goes through seven different phases of change, shown by his written wall notes.
Going on to the refreezing stage Sniff and Scurry both reinforce their previous behaviour and adapt to the new situation quickly. However, for Haw the previous process was longer, but once he reached the new cheese station he was able to forget his former fears and refreeze in his new

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