
Social Media Essay

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Wired, yet Unwell Icy winds stung her cheeks through the tiny gap between her facemask and goggles. Her friend gave her the “thumbs-up” and pointed the phone towards her. She bent her legs and locked her knees, increasing speed as she anticipated the jump. The clattering of her skis on the freshly groomed snow applauded her as she sped towards the lip. Suddenly, she felt her body leave the ground, and almost immediately felt the skis make contact with the snow once more. Racing to her friend, she grabbed her phone, eager to see the surely “post-worthy” photo of herself. However, the image that appeared on the screen greatly understated what was envisioned in her imagination. Although disappointed, there was an easy fix. Within a few …show more content…

Social media gives users the ability to present themselves positively—this in turn raises their spirits. It is not uncommon for a teen to post that picture-perfect image at precisely five o’clock Sunday evening, for he or she knows this is prime time for maximum likes. These mere notifications on a screen significantly enhance the mood state, similarly to a high from a drug. This “high” is the gateway to the egocentric and eventually addictive behaviors caused by social media. It is not only the post-happy extraverts who experience addictions, but introverted users as well. While extraverts use social media to create social enhancement, introverts are drawn to sites for social compensation (Kuss and Griffiths, 2011). With enticements for both socially active and inactive individuals, it is clear social media has the makings for addictions. When terms such as “mood modification,” “fidgeting,” and “withdrawal” are discussed, most individuals associate these symptoms with drug or alcohol addictions. However, perhaps the most common addiction is not readily considered an addiction whatsoever. New research has emerged in regard to individuals with social media addiction; the symptoms they experience are similar to those with other chemical or behavioral addictions. Social media addiction is diagnosed with a number of behaviors, such as neglect of activities due to excessive

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