
Sociology Paper

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While genetic management of foods can be traced throughout history, the modern phenomena of GMOs and transgenic plants have come to light in just the last few decades. In today’s modern society, the science of biotechnology and the process of genetic modification are developing throughout the planet. As of 2004, 8.25 million farmers in 17 countries were using genetically modified crops. Today, approximately two- thirds of all food offered in supermarkets has been genetically modified. However, the subject of GMO’s is one of great controversy. Although this modern invention does have some positive results on the food industry it also has brought some negative consequences along with it.
The term GMOs (genetically-modified organisms) is …show more content…

This finding became the foundation of the genetic modification process. In 1983, the first transgenic plant was created. Scientists were able to create a tobacco plant that could resist anti-biotic. Shortly after this creation, genetically engineered cotton was effectively field tested in 1990. Five years later, Monsanto the leading biotech company, released herbicide-immune soybeans. Finally, the promising science of genetic modifications was improved even further in 2000 with the discovery that the modification process could be used to bring vitamins and nutrients to enhance foods.
Although many may disagree, there are many advantages to genetic modification in foods. Environmentally speaking, Crops that have inherited pest resistance through genetic alterations often reduce the need for the application of chemical pesticides. Chemical pesticides can often have harmful effects on the environment. They can kill beneficial insect species in the field and get into other ecosystems when washed into waterways. In addition, genetic engineering can be used in many ways to improve the efficiency of crops. Resistance to herbicide and insect pests are two ways can help to improve productivity. With the improvement of productivity comes the reduction of cost. The use of GMOs can reduce the need for the application of chemicals. In some cases they may lead to traits which ease planting, harvesting, or processing in ways which reduce the cost of production.

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